Positionnement, fauteuil et escarres (SFE/Sofmer) FPC

Le 03/10/2024 de 09:00 à 10:30

Retour Session


Comprendre la Proxémie pour promouvoir la mobilité en fauteuil : comparaison des distances d’évitement en réel et en virtuel

Emilie Leblong (Rennes, France), Bastien FRAUDET (Rennes, France), Fabien GRZESKOWIAK (Rennes, France), Sébastien THOMAS (Rennes, France), Louise DEVIGNE (Rennes, France), Marie BABEL (Rennes, France), Anne Hélène OLIVIER (Rennes, France)

Objectif : Power Wheelchair (PWC) driving simulators are powerful tools to train patients  to drive. However, while integrating virtual environments, the current simulators do not consider the virtual humans which populate them, ignoring the social dimension of the navigation task. Regulation of interpersonal distances during locomotion is poorly understood ifor  PWC user in real life, and even less so in VR. Therefore, the aim is to characterize the interpersonal distances in the real world and virtual reality of a pedestrian avoiding a PWC user.

Matériel/Patients et méthodes : 23 participants volunteered for our experiment. The task was to walk 10 m in a straight line while avoiding an obstacle that was a static PWC user. We manipulated two factors: the environment, which could be real or virtual, and the orientation of the PWC user, which could be presented from front/back/left or right to the participants. Movements were recorded by a 12 camera Qualisys system. 

Résultats : Avoidance strategies were preserved in virtual compared to real conditions, both in terms of side of avoidance and minimum shape-to-shape distance. Pedestrians passed more to the back (69%) than to the front (31%) of the PWC user (p<0.001). The crossing distance is smaller when passing in front of the PWC user (0.68±0.28m; 0.62±0.24m). Only walking speed is slower in the virtual condition than in the real condition (p<0.001). 

Discussion - Conclusion : These results make it possible to improve the virtual environments of PWC driving simulators by incorporating realistic locomotor interaction laws to control the motion of the virtual humans which can interact with the user.


Mots clés : fauteuil roulant électrique, interactions sociales, assistance à la conduite, simulateur de conduite

Liens d'intérêts : aucun